A loan helped a member to buy animals.

Emprendedoras De Monterrey Group's story

Many of the women who participate in the “Microcredit Plus” program with Puente de Amistad have more than one business. This is the case for Reyna, thirty-two years old, who is married to a butcher. She is the mother of two children, aged four months, and thirteen years old. The older girl is currently studying in primary school.

Reyna is a nurse, and cares for neighbors in her community. She has also been selling beef and pork for ten years. She sells on an itinerant basis, and takes the opportunity to offer other products, such personal-use products by catalog, and kitchen utensils. In order to keep her business more supplied, Reyna is approaching Kiva lenders to request a second loan. With this, she will be able to invest in the purchase of some animals to be butchered.

Nine women entrepreneurs are part of the “Emprendedoras de Monterrey” communal bank with Puente de Amistad. These women speak Spanish, and live in the Department / State of Retalhuleu. These women work in the sale of meat, products for personal use, food, and tortillas. The women have high school studies, and this helps them run businesses and educate their children. It is very important for them to attend the monthly meetings which are part of Puente de Amistad's “Microcredit Plus” program (loans + training + health). Other important topics are nutrition, hygiene and leadership.

Thank you for the support, Kiva lenders!

In this group: Reyna Leticia , Aurora Rosario , Norma Veronica , Norma Judith , Maria Del Rosario, Esmira Lisbeth , Amanda Eluvia , Jennifer Alejandra , Rosa

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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