A loan helped to buy farming supplies and pigs.

Lady Yasmin's story

Lady lives with her parents and three younger siblings who are in school. She is a hardworking young woman who started farming thanks to the first loan she received from VisionFund Ecuador and Kiva.

Lady wants to continue developing her work in agriculture and animal husbandry. She says that the rains impacted her potato crops, so her father decided to use a tractor to dig them up and salvage them for use as pig feed. Afterward, she was able to start planting a new crop.

Lady needs the support of another loan so that she can buy farming supplies and pigs. A loan will boost both of these activities in hopes of generating capital to start another family business, which involves making use of a plot of land next to the highway. They plan to build an eatery where they can sell traditional regional food.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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