A loan helped a member to buy a solar-powered irrigation pump and farm inputs.

Kachere Group's story

Cecilia is a 52-year-old woman. She is married and is a mother of three children aged 26, 23, and 20. She is a farmer.

Cecilia enjoys cassava and maize farming. She has been in this business for 15 years. The experience she has in farming helps her in managing her cassava fields well to have good produce. This makes her a proud farmer

She is the leader of her Kachere group. The group comprises 20 members, where 15 are females representing 75%, and five males representing 25%. In the picture, she stands second from the right with her hand raised. The new loan will help her to buy a solar-powered surface irrigation pump and farm inputs like fertilizer.

One thing that makes her happy is the profit she makes from farming. The profits help her to pay school fees for her children since she is the breadwinner of her family. In addition to that, the business will grow since the pump will help her cultivate more than twice a year.

In the group photo: Evelesi, Tamara, Dackson, Mvutama, Cecilia, Chrissy, Eunice, Christopher, Doresi, Maria.

In this group: Cecelia , Evelesi , Tamara , Loyce, Liviness , Fregrina, Dackson, Mavuto, Maria , Abenia, Mvutama, Doress, Lenia, Kasamu, Ellen , Chrissy, Maria , Zafika, Eunice, Christopher

This loan is special because:

It helps increase the productivity and income of smallholder farmers in Malawi.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details