A loan helped a member to buy beans, rice, oil and sugar.

El Milagro Group's story

In Jinotepe, Nicaragua, the community bank El Milagro exists. It has had 13 loan cycles and is made up of nine members who are known for their excellent repayment record. Their businesses are firewood sales, cosmetics sales, clothing sales, corner store, sales of nacatamales [maize, meat and rice wrapped in banana leaf], and footwear sales.

33-year-old Jessenia Del Socorro (sitting down and wearing a pink shirt, black pants) is married and has a 19-year-old daughter. Three people live in her house. Her partner works in construction. Her business is clothing sales, work she's been doing for 15 years. She also runs a corner store and sells footwear. What she most enjoys about her business is the income.

Jessenia is seeking a loan of C$20,000 córdobas which she will use to buy rice, beans, sugar and oil. Her dream and hope for the future is to expand and improve her home. She advises women who obtain a loan that they know how to invest in their business.

You can contribute to their progress!

In this group: Juan Antonio, Libertad De Los Angeles, Juana Antonia, Johana Josefa, Fatima Del Carmen, Jessenia Del Socorro, Nery Del Carmen , José Santana , Antonia Del Socorro

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jane A.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through community support and financial training.

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