A loan helped a member to buy merchandise and keep offering a variety of products.

Vista Alegre Group's story

The group "Vista Alegre" is in its 37th loan cycle. There are 11 members. Only the members of the board of directors (president, treasurer, and secretary) appear in the photo for reasons related to the pandemic. They are happy to continue as a team, working together for a better future.

Rudy, who is 34 years old, has o 10-year-old child; she lives with her partner, who is a farmer. Both forge ahead in order to provide a better quality of life for their little child.

She is considered a responsible, honorable, and honest woman. She has been selling prepared food for eight years. That's why her biggest challenge now is to open a new premises (a restaurant.)

Furthermore, her big dream is that her premises becomes recognized by the customers. Besides this business, her other source of income is the sale of sweets from a kiosk. She will use the Kiva loan to improve her kiosk, to buy merchandise in order to keep offering a variety of products, and with the extra earnings she'll save up for the anticipated opening of her restaurant.

In this group: Oscar, Tabita, Rudy Catherine, Julia, Josefina, Lucila, Gaby, Leidy Jhenifer, Giovana, Misael, Serafina

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Pamela Allyn.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through community support and financial training.

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