A loan helped to cover his living expenses and housing utilities.

Kemajl's story

In a quaint village nestled amidst lush green fields and towering mountains, lives a devoted and caring father named Kemajl. His days are filled with hard work and tender moments, as he strives to provide the best for his beloved family.

Kemajl's days begin with the soft rays of the sun gently waking him from his slumber. He rises early, ready to take on the day's challenges with a determined spirit. One day, Kemajl decided to apply for a loan. The loan will be used to cover his living expenses and housing utilities. As a result, Kemajl and his family will have all the tools necessary to lead a better life.

Kemajl thanks all Kiva lenders for their love and support. He wishes them all the best.

This loan is special because:

It supports the social and economic well being of low-income families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details