A loan helped to purchase supplies to grow watermelons, such as fertilizer, insecticide and foliar fertilizer.

Rosa Guadalupe's story

Rosa is in a relationship. She has a 9-year-old son who depends financially on them. She lives with her life partner and her son. She has no relatives abroad.

Rosa make a living from the sale and cultivation of watermelon and also to the sale of tortillas, activities that she learned from her parents. She has been devoting herself to these activities for 11 years and does it from 5:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Rosa is requesting the loan because she wants to invest it in the purchase of inputs for her watermelon crop such as: fertilizer, insecticides and foliar sprays. This will help her because she will be able to have a good production, so she will be able to market at a very good price and generate better income to improve the living conditions of her family.

Rosa's dream is to be able to give her son a more dignified quality of life in addition to being able to provide him with a good education so that he can be a good man.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Maria Pelaez.

This loan is special because:

It helps smallholder farmers to increase productivity and provide for their families.

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