A loan helped to pay for the maintenance of one 'manzana' [a land measurement] of coffee and to establish three 'manzanas' of corn.

Abel's story

Abel is a coffee and vegetable producer. He has two children who are still minors, and they go to elementary school. Together with his wife he devotes himself to corn and bean crops. He also takes charge of providing maintenance to his coffee farm, which is his main source of earnings. With those earnings that he managed to get from the sale of his agricultural production he has been able to build his own home. He has been improving his home little by little.

Abel is requesting a Kiva loan with Aldea Global to pay for the maintenance of one 'manzana' [a land measurement] of coffee and to establish three 'manzanas' of corn. He will use part of the requested loan to prepare the soil and to buy fertilizer and leaf treatments that will contribute the needed nutrients to the crops so that his harvest is more productive. This way he will get better earnings that will allow him to continue improving his quality of life.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

This loan is special because:

It empowers farmers to diversify, and thus stabilize, their families' sources of income.

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