A loan helped to buy efficient mulberry for their tapa-making business.

'Ilaisaane's story

'Ilaisaane has been a part of the loan program for years now. She seeks financial support for her business and family from the SPBD loan program.

She is a mother of four and a wife of a farmer. With the help of the loan, she is able to manage her tapa-making business well. She applied for a loan to buy efficient mulberry for her tapa-making.

She is a member in a group of women in their village, who gather into a hall every Saturday and make tapas. They make more than one tapas with different types and sizes. They have to work together in a group in order to make tapas. You cannot make a whole tapa on your own. 'Ilaisaane sells her tapas to some of her relatives overseas.

This loan is special because:

It helps proven female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details