A loan helped a family restaurant to offer better service to our community.

Herminia's story

My name is Herminia; my life story is connected with my business in all the ways I can see. I started my business when I was living in Navolato, Sinaloa, Mexico, and began selling tamales on the street when I was eight years old, and my mother and grandmother did all the cooking. Through the years, I learned the technique, and finally, at the age of fifteen, with their help, I set up my first booth of tamales. I developed my skills of selling my tamales formally at the Dia de los Muertos festival in the cemetery with all the hope of a better future and a dream of selling a tamal to every person in town.

To have a better life, I immigrated to the United States at Nineteen; I was determined to open my own business. I started raising my family with my husband, working hard with a full-time job, and selling my tamales to our friends and family. In 2008, I got diagnosed with breast cancer. My future was uncertain, and our lives changed in all ways; it was not easy, but with the love of God and watching my kids grow up, I found the strength to survive, and I became a fighter once again after a full year of treatments, I had many dreams to fulfill and places to conquer. I discovered Farmers Markets, and everything changed from when I imagined selling there! It was magical; I was interacting with many people at the same time; we started with two tables and two pots, and always my big hope of a better future., Now we are here. We have opened a restaurant and continue to be loved and supporters at the local farmer's Markets! Thank you to our community.

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details

About Del Cielo Tamales LLC

Industry: Food
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: Delcielotamales.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details