A loan helped a member to buy a variety of jewelry to sell; such as rings, chains, bracelets, and others.

San Expedito Group's story

22 women make up this group and work together so they can support their families and ensure they don't lack anything. They are part of the poverty elimination program, making an effort to overcome their problems and get ahead together.

Angela is one of the members. She is a hardworking and humble woman, who does not let herself be defeated and seeks a way to offer her family everything she could not have.

She helps with her family's expenses by selling all kinds of jewelry. She says that she already has an established clientele that always buy her products. Her goal is to continue stocking up with more products so she can expand her clientele and continue working.

She is requesting this loan to buy a variety of jewelry to sell, such as rings, chains, bracelets, and others.

In this group: Julissa Marina, Marina, Elva, Rosalva, Graciela, Melany Haidee, Edorita, Avelina, Delcy Leticia, Liz Mabel, Agustina, Eva Ester, Elva Elena, Nilsa Mariela, Sonia Elizabeth, Sirley Ofelia, Eloida, Diana Carolina, Liza Rosalva, Angela, Maria Alejandra, Mercedes

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Nathalia Vásquez.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry leading poverty-elimination program.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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