Maria Fernanda is 38 years old. She is separated and has three children: 13, 10, and 5 years old. They live in the city of Portoviejo, the capital of Manabí, known for many years as the city of the royal tamarinds.
She is a very hard-working woman who seeks a way to earn income, and with it provide a decent life for her children. And, despite the fact that she is both mother and father to them, she manages it thru her work.
She has some showcase cabinets in her house. There, she sells clothes and underwear. She works every day, always providing the best service to her clients, either at her premises or in their homes, since she also goes out to sell to acquaintances and clients she already has.
This loan is to buy pants, shirts, blouses, dresses, and underwear, among other garments.
Translated from Spanish. View original language description.