A loan helped to cover medical expenses for his wife, so she'll recover her health and live an active life.

Françesko's story

Françesko, 46, has lived a fulfilling life with his loving spouse and three cherished children. He's a dedicated husband and father, working tirelessly to provide for his family.

But life threw an unexpected challenge their way when his wife fell ill, requiring urgent medical attention. Determined to support his wife's recovery, Françesko is hoping for Kiva lender support, seeking a loan to cover necessary health expenses.

He works diligently near the Bilisht municipality, earning a net income of 350 USD monthly. While his income has provided some financial stability, it's insufficient to cover the substantial costs associated with his wife's health condition. Fortunately, Françesko's wife also contributes to the family's income, working as a tailor with a monthly salary of 320 USD.

This loan is special because:

It helps families pay for potentially life-saving medical expenses.

Loan details

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