A loan helped a member purchase communication equipment for taxis at wholesale prices, leading to increased income.

Tortus Group's story

32 year old MARIELA RIEHNY is married and has 1 child. She started selling communication equipment for taxis from a spot she rents in a market 2 years ago. This is her first loan and she will use it to purchase communication equipment for taxis at wholesale prices, leading to increased income.
Mariela gets up very early, takes her child to school and devotes herself to her business. She found this group because the members are neighbors and lifelong friends. The group's goal regarding this loan is to import directly and create a retail business.
Mariela's goals and hopes regarding her life and family are to own her own house and car which will improve her living conditions.

In this group: Nataly Viovanna, Mariela Riehny, Lus Miguel, Sari Yebala, Jhomara Gabriela, Karen Mabel, Martha, Adrian Agustin

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ina Rimpau.

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income, micro entrepreneurs with loans to increase their income.

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