A loan helped to buy organic, phosphate-based fertilizers for her coffee crops.

Aura's story

Aura is a young farmer with thirteen years of agricultural knowledge from Buesaco, Nariño. She inherited a two-hectare plot of land from her father, which she has transformed into a flourishing coffee farm. Within her expansive terrain Aura cultivates over 10,000 coffee plants, utilizing organic fertilizers to nourish her crops and guarantee their sustainability.

Aura lives with her parents alongside her two older sisters. Her parents are also farmers who provide her with unwavering support and guidance in her agricultural pursuits. They understand the importance of maintaining optimal conditions for the crops and work alongside Aura to ensure the success of their collective efforts.

Aura is requesting a loan of 4,812,778 COP which she plans to invest in organic, phosphate-based fertilizers that will effectively hydrate and nourish her crops. The use of these high-quality inputs will not only increase the efficiency of her farming operations but also minimize the physical strain associated with manual labor when it comes to fertilizing the crops.

This loan is special because:

The loan will help peasants to improve their agro crops

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