A loan helped to purchase more stock for the retail shop.

Raphael Ndirangu's story

Raphael Ndirangu has been operating a retail shop in Kiwanja, Thika Road Town, for six years with a maximum monthly profit of Kshs. 10,000. He is 29 years old, single and a hard working gentleman.

He was introduced to KADET LTD by a friend, and he has a very good credit history with the firm. Raphael is applying for his fourth loan of Kshs. 50,000 from KADET after repaying the previous loans well and in good time. He will use the loan to purchase more stock of goods for the retail shop to sell during the high season.

The anticipated profit he plans to plough back into the business for it to grow, and he hopes that the business will be stable financially. In the future he hopes to venture into the transport industry.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details