A loan helped a member to buy seeds and fertilizer to cultivate her field.

And Liguey Ii Dara Mboss Group's story

Magatte is president of the group « AND LIGUEY II DARA MBOSS » which means, « UNION POUR LE TRAVAIL II DE DARA MBOSS » in French (Alliance for the work of II DE DARA MBOSS). She is 54 years old. She is dressed a black floral robe in front of the bowl of peanuts.
Magatte is married to a farmer and has three dependent children aged seven to 15, all of whom are in school. Magatte has been farming for more than 20 years. With this loan she plans to buy seeds, fertilizer and to maintain the farming equipment. This will allow her to run her business well and to increase her income. To stock up, she is buying at the level of economic operators in the area and at the weekly markets in her area, resell them finally on the market at the opportune time.
The income that she realizes allows her to take care of the family's needs (health, food, education, hygiene, etc.)
She claims to have from time to time difficulties linked to rainfall but also the high price of inputs. Her goal is to have enough return to be able to be independent in her business.

In this group: Magatte, Bousso, Sokhna, Khoudia, Yacine, Amy, Amy, Ndeye, Diobe, Binetou, Yacine, Maguette, Ndack, Thiara, Anta, Fatou Kine, Arame

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer melanie fluharty.

This loan is special because:

It enables low-income farmers in Senegal to increase their income and provide for their families.

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