A loan helped to expand her project by buying a new head of dairy cattle.

Afaf's story

Afaf is 32, married, and has 2 children in different levels of education. Her husband is a worker with a low daily income. Afaf started a cattle project 4 years ago. This loan helped her increase her family’s income and provide her kids with basic living needs, including food, clothes, and education.

So, Afaf decided to ask for a new loan to expand her project by buying a new head of cattle to benefit from its dairy and sell it in markets to people in her village. The profit will help her improve her family's standard of living and provide her kids with a good education. It will also help her husband to buy a taxi to help them with living expenses. Afaf is honest, and independent, and paid all the due installments on her last loan on time. So, she aspires to get this loan to continue her success and achieve her ambition.

This loan is special because:

It aims to support women entrepreneur breadwinners.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details