A loan helped to purchase 12 kg of silk thread, as well as color dyes, weaving equipment, and other necessary supplies.

Chueab's story

Chueab is a local married woman who lives in a small rural community in the northeast region of Thailand. She lives with her husband and two children, all of whom are employed by local companies. Chueab and her husband engage in agricultural activities and weave silk cloth to make a living.

The silk weaving business has been an important part of the heritage of Chueab's family, and she has been familiar with it since she was a child. When she was young, she enjoyed weaving silk and always wanted to become a skillful weaver like her parents.

Chueab has been operating a silk weaving business alongside her agricultural activities for many decades to earn a living. Whenever she has free time, she spends it weaving silk cloth for sale to textile shops and local middlemen. Chueab has a dream to open her own silk shop and sell a variety of silk supplies and finished products.

She loves being an entrepreneur, which has allowed her to work from home to generate income and care for her family. However, at this time, she desires to move her silk weaving business to the next step and produce a higher amount of silk cloth for sale monthly to ensure income stability and maintain her customer base. Therefore, Chueab has applied for a loan to purchase 12 kg of silk thread, as well as color dyes, weaving equipment, and other necessary supplies.

Thanks for this loan to fulfill her entrepreneurial journey and support her family's small business.

This loan is special because:

It helps women living in rural areas improve financial literacy and invest in their businesses.

Loan details

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Loan details