A loan helped to buy more goods in order to increase turnover in her store.

Oksana's story

This wonderful woman Oksana sends greetings from Cholpon-Ata. She thanks Kiva lenders for their financial support. Oksana is 42 years old, not married, and the mother of 2 children. She is engaged in retail trade; the store is located in the city center, the traffic is good, there are regular customers. The goods are mainly cosmetics, jewelry, Indian items, electronic goods, bags, etc. To further develop her business, she applied to Bai-Tushum Bank for a loan of 250,000 KGS to buy more goods to increase turnover. Oksana plans to use the revenue from the loan to develop her business in order to provide her children with a wonderful and carefree life.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Ann Merrill.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of low-income families.

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