A loan helped a member to buy alcohol to sell.

Kahangi Women In Development Group's story

Evelyne is 40 years of age and a single mother of five children all below 18 years living in her own house in Fort Portal, Uganda .The responsibility to provide for the family is vested in her and her family dream is to educate her children. She has a retail shop and has been in business for eight years. This has enabled her to work towards her goal of educating the children. She is a member of Kahangi Women in Development, where each member guarantees the other. Evelyn needs to use the loan to buy alcohol to sell during the Christmas season.

In this group: Margret, Robert, Edward, Vicent, Ruth, Evelyne, Allen, Rose, Livingstone, Foromera, Annet, Spelanza, Florence, Josephine, Joseph, Patrick, John, Isaiah, Robert

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