A loan helped a member to buy materials for construction.

Los Girasoles Group's story

Sindy Guadalupe is very happy with the awarded loan since it will allow her to improve her living conditions. She wishes to continue improving her home for which she is requesting a new loan to buy materials for construction. With this investment she hopes to continue improving her living conditions and to be able to offer a dignified and safe home to her family.
Sindy along with Alfredo, Gabriel and Marta continue making up the solidarity group “Los Girasoles” since they are individuals seeking the same goal of getting ahead.

In this group: Gabriel Alfonso, Sindy Guadalupe, Marta Delmy, Alfredo Humberto

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Hasmin Sherwin.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers improve their living conditions and well-being.

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