A loan helped a member to buy two quintals of rice, two quintals of beans, and two drums of oil.

Jesús Es Mi Roca Group's story

The communal association Jesús es mi Roca [Jesus is My Rock] from León, Nicaragua is comprised of eight members (six women and two men). Their businesses are mainly small grocery stores, pig sales, soda sales, corn sales, and milk sales.

Karla Vanessa (in the mustard-colored shirt, black pants, and white tennis shoes) is 50 years old and considers herself a hardworking and dynamic woman. She is in a relationship and has three sons who all work. Her partner works. Four people live in her house. Her business is milk sales, which she has done for ten years, and she also has had a small grocery store for a year. What she likes about her business is that it gives her income. The difficulty she faces in her business is transportation.

She will invest the loan in the purchase of two quintals of rice, two quintals of beans, and two drums of oil.

Her dreams and aspirations for the future are getting ahead and prospering through loans provided through Pro-Mujer.

She advises women to strive so that they get ahead.

She is counting on you to help her keep progressing along with her family.

In this group: Karla Vanessa , Amparo De La Concepción , Magda Isabel , Jessica Maria , Gerardo Leonidas , Cruz Elena , Moises David , Ruth Bersabe

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Teresa Lorenz-Do.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through community support and financial training.

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