A loan helped to import women's clothing items from China.

Bayarsaihan's story

Bayarsaihan S. is 44 years old and lives with his wife and two children in a house and fenced yard in the Uvurhangai province of Mongolia. His two children both attend a local secondary school.

Bayarsaihan operates a women's clothing and lingerie retail business from a rented stall at a local clothing market. He sells a variety of different clothing items and underwear. His wide product selection attracts many customers. He started his women's clothing business in 2004 and has since built a stable and successful operation. He makes his purchases of clothing twice in a month in Erlian, a border city in China. Bayarsaihan says, "All I want is to pay off my house-leasing loan and I plan to start saving money for the future education of my children."

Bayarsaihan is requesting a 3,000,000 MNT loan to import more clothing items from China to sell at his stall in the market.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details