71 year old Maria is married to her second husband, a salesman. Like other women of modest means, she has several businesses so she can maintain her financial independence. Maria has no formal education but she was still able to help her 2 children, now in their forties, get ahead. She has 9 grandchildren and 1 great grandson. For about 20 years she has been raising small livestock (chickens, pigs, ducks) and selling firewood. María is requesting her first Kiva loan to purchase more firewood.
María was elected president of her community bank Puente de Amistad [Friendship Bridge] "Flor de Maíz 2 [cornflower 2]" by 6 women who live in the department/state of San Marcos. At their monthly meetings, María collects loan payments and turns the meeting over to a facilitator who provides training in business, family planning, women's issues and habits of health. During the meetings, using games, roleplay, diagrams and photos, the facilitator involves the women in commercial business practices which will be useful to them in their businesses selling firewood, running grocery stores, embroidering traditional blouses and sewing facemasks and traditional clothing.
These women are very grateful for the generous support of Kiva lenders!
In this group: Keyli Damaris , Maria Consuelo , Ana Leticia, Yury Marilu , Bemadina Yadiris, Greysi Gabriela , Maria Doralicia

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ina Rimpau. View original language description.