A loan helped a member to buy supplies for making candles to sell.

Las Guadalupanas Group's story

Sra. Patricia is 46 years old and has two dependent children. She has a business of selling candles so that she can generate income for herself and her family. Each week, she orders supplies to restock her business. Doña Patricia aspires to have a larger business.

The group “Las Guadalupanas” consists of small businesswomen who seek to improve their quality of life. The conditions in the neighborhood where they live are at a moderate level. With the loans, they aspire to access resources to invest so that they can expand their businesses.

The other group members are Sras. Rosa, Rocio, Sahory, Elizabeth, Antonia, Yesenia, Brenda, María, and Isabel. With this loan, they aspire to grow their businesses.

In this group: Yesenia Fabiola, Rosa, Antonia, Sahory Corina, Patricia Isabel, Marla Dayani, Rocio Guadalupe, Brenda Fabel, Patricia, Elizabeth

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It supports low income micro entrepreneurs to develop their business and support their families.

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