A loan helped a member to purchase tools and boxes needed for honey production.

San Jose Group's story

This group is called "San José." They formed in the city of Carapeguá where all have the goal of growing, not only economically, but also as people so their loved ones don't lack anything. They are part of a poverty elimination program where all are fighting to get ahead and overcome their situations of poverty.

Angelica is one of the members of this group. She is a very active and hard-working woman who makes a living by producing and selling honey. She says her work is very sacrificial and through it, she can generate the income needed to cover her family's necessities.

She says that she is very active within this group. It will permit her to sustain her family so they don't lack anything they need. She is asking for this loan to purchase tools and boxes needed to protect her honey. This will be a help so she can continue honey production.

Note: The children in the photo are the children of the group members.

In this group: Angelica, Blanca Arnalia, Lilia Raquel, Blanca Noemi, Deolinda, Mirian Celeste, Celia, Teresa De Jesus, Maria Veronica, Monica Zunilda, Mercedes, Alberta, Sonia Raquel, Ramona, Brigida, Eduvigis, Aurelia Beatriz, Analia Belen, Tomasa, Isidora, Viviana Rocio, Pabla Benita, Fatima

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lisa Munson.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry leading poverty-elimination program.

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