A loan helped a member to buy fabrics, natural hair (grafting and wigs for women), and shoes to sell.

08-Fansotoo Group's story

This group, created in May 2010, is composed of two members living in the same district. They are united and have a good relationship. Retail trade is their main income-generating activity. Madam Tida, 61 years old, is married and the mother of one child. She has three other dependent children. With her new loan, she plans to buy fabrics, natural hair (grafting and wigs for women), and shoes to sell. Her profits will be used to strengthen her savings to be able to manage the business by herself.

In this group: Diamilatou, Tida

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Madeleine Schwartz.

This loan is special because:

It empowers entrepreneurs living in rural Senegal.

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