A loan helped keep TruBros delivering JOY you can taste!

V. Anasha's story

I am V. Anasha, “the Mother of TruBros” and I am seeking money to purchase a vehicle to continue the fabulous work TruBros has done. TruBros (Amir 13 and Amaru 10), have been providing “JOY you can taste”, via their Caribbean- inspired drinks since 2019! They have experienced much success, including taking their juices to market. YES...TruBros has sold in grocery stores and several small business locations in Memphis,TN! TruBros has countless other opportunities ahead of them and need your suppport to do so.

Unfortunately, 3 months ago our car was stolen, recovered, and was totaled. Thankfully we have been able to continue to produce and deliver our products, but the cost of transportation is making it difficult for us to continue to profit from our business.

Let's keep TruBros growing! Thank you for helping to continue to inspire these two young men to keep going! Despite whatever obstacles have come our way, Amir and Amaru have remained steadfast and have continued to move forward with grace and JOY! Thank you for your love and support.

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details

About TruBros Beverage Co.

Industry: Food
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years
Website: sanghaliving.org


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details