A loan helped to buy butter, rice, beans, corn flour, wheat flour, coffee, cookies, juices, soft drinks, pasta, sauces, soups, cereal, oats, batteries, candles, matches, toilet paper, soap, sanitary towels, toothpaste, chilis and sardines.

Eiby Melissa's story

Eiby Melissa H. is 27 years old. She is married and has two children. Eiby has been selling for two years. She has a small grocery store in her home. Her customers are neighbors and other people who work near the area. Her husband is a salesman. He sells fish.

Eiby will use her loan to buy merchandise to stock her business a little more since her customers' demands are higher during this period and she needs to be prepared to fill their demands with everything they need. She needs the profits from her business to get her family ahead.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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