A loan helped to buy pigs and to also build a corral to isolate the pigs while waiting for the day they will be butchered.

Lilian Patricia's story

Lilian lives with her partner and two children, ages 10 and 17 years old. They both depend on her economically. She has relatives that live abroad.

Lilian works as a butcher of pigs and she sells their meat and other parts. She has one employee. She butchers one pig per week. This business she learned from her mother.

She is requesting this loan to get the resources she needs to strengthen her business. She will buy pigs and she will also build a corral to isolate the pigs while they wait to be butchered.

With this investment, her inventory will increase and she will be able to provide a better service to her customers, guaranteeing the continuity of her business. She hopes that her sales and income will increase.

Her aspirations are to be in good health and to grow her business and better her economic conditions in order to provide her children with a dignified style of life.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Danielle Chamberlin.

This loan is special because:

It helps smallholder farmers to increase productivity and provide for their families.

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