A loan helped a member to buy bread, pastries, meat, and condiments.

Dúo La Pilona Group's story

This duo is represented by Paula Elizabeth. She has three grown children. She started her business several years ago due to lack of employment. She devotes herself to selling bread, pastries, and food.

With the earnings that she has gotten during these years she was able to provide her three children with an education. This way she was also able to furnish her house.

She is requesting a loan to buy more merchandise like bread, pastries, meat, condiments, and disposable, biodegradable products, etc.

Her dream is to be able to build a second story on her house. She is grateful to the institution for the support they provided.

In this group: Beatriz, Paula Elizabeth

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

This loan is special because:

The Field Partner is a leader in women's empowerment in Guatemala.

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