A loan helped to buy pork, beef, chicken, eggs, beans, rice, sugar, butter, oil, soft drinks, bread, cookies, soap, toilet paper, salt, soup and pasta.

Luz Estela's story

Lux Estela L. is 44 years old. She is a single mother and has one daughter. She lives in her mom's house with her siblings. She lives in the Fraternidad neighborhood and has a small grocery store where she sells staple food products. She serves her neighbors, selling dairy produts, bottled soft drinks, canned and boxed juice, eggs, flour, butter, oil and everything for the home. She also sells cosmetics and children's clothes.

She will use this loan to buy merchandise to better stock her business. She would like to have a well-stocked business for the Christmas season so that she can make more profits.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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