A loan helped to pay for landfill around his house to cover the mud.

Song's story

Song is an experienced construction worker from a rural village in Takeo province. He has been in the construction business for more than three years and also works as a paid laborer for additional income.

He has a common-law relationship with his wife, who is a loving mother of two children. His wife earns a living as a farmer, growing and harvesting rice crop that is sold to the local market in each season. Song and his wife can earn approximately of 12 US dollars (USD) per day, which has to cover their family's current expenses and savings for future needs.

Because of the shortage of his finances, Sopheak has applied for a loan in the amount of KHR 8,000,000 to pay for landfill around his house to cover the mud. With this loan support, he can pay for landfill and can provide his family members with a good environment and fresh air, protecting them from illness and ensuring they live in good conditions.

In the future, he aims to renovate his old house and push his children to continue studying at university. Song sends thanks to all lenders who have contributed their funds to help a poor fellow like him.

This loan is special because:

It provides access for rural households in Cambodia to a more clean and hygienic living environment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details