A loan helped a member to buy equipment and other items wholesale.

05 Flor De Rosa Group's story

The Flor de Rosa communal bank, as part of the Villa Adela regional office, is made up of eight members and governed by a board of directors of which Rosalia is a member.

Rosalia, 50, is married and has two children. She has a carpentry business.

With her loan she's going to buy equipment and other items in bulk from the wholesale vendors in the city of La Paz. This will serve her later as a means of production. This job enables her to earn income to support her family financially.

Her goal is to expand her business.

Rosalia asks that you have confidence in her communal bank once again.

Note: In the photograph, Edith is with her five-year-old daughter and Blanca is with her six-year-old daughter.

In this group: Edith Jennifer, Daniela, Katherin Aracely, Noemi, Luz Angela, Rosalia, Blanca Silvia, Silvia Doris

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Catharine Wall.

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income, micro entrepreneurs with loans to increase their income.

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