A loan helped to buy two piglets and 190 kg of feed for them.

Marie Jacqueline's story

Marie Jacqueline would like to thank all the lenders who financed her dried fish business. She has been able to stock up and restock regularly. Her daily income has increased, making it easier for her to meet her family's expenses. She is also able to save a little money.

Having paid off her loan, she is asking for a new one. This time, she will buy two piglets and 190 kg of processed feed for them. She will provide the rest of the feed needed to feed the cattle properly. The pigs will be sold to the butcher after fattening.

Her priority is to buy productive land, and she will use her profits for this project.

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Katell Maguet.

This loan is special because:

It helps the poorest of the poor in Madagascar to improve their lives.

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