A loan helped to purchase more clothes to sell during the upcoming New Year holiday.

Otgonbayar's story

Otgonbayar H. is a 29 year old woman who lives with her husband and two sons in Hovd province of Mongolia. She and her family live in a ger, a traditional Mongolian nomadic tent. Her oldest son currently attends a local primary school and the youngest is in kindergarden. Her husband works as an assistant driver for a private transportation business and receives a salary between 50,000 and 150,000 MNT depending on his trip. Otgonbayar operates a clothing retail business at the local market. She started her business in September, 2010. For the near future, she hopes to establish a stable business and hopes to buy her own workplace with her future business profits. Otgonbayar is a modest person and is requesting a 500,000 MNT loan to purchase more clothes to sell during the upcoming New Year holiday. She can perhaps increase her sales then.

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