A loan helped to buy sheets, water bottles, jewelry, cosmetics, makeup, eyeshadow, eye liners, lipsticks, liquid foundation, etc. to sell.

Wendy Leonella's story

Wendy Leonella is 21 years old. She is in a common law marriage and has a four-month-old daughter. Her husband is a day laborer. They live in the city of Portoviejo, a place of hardworking people who do what is necessary to move their families forward.

Wendy is a hardworking woman who seeks a way to make income to help her husband with the household expenses. She works selling sheets, water bottles, jewelry and cosmetics, among other products. She sells door to door, from her house, and through social media. She sells on credit and collects payments every eight days.

This is how Wendy tries to continue on, despite difficulties she has in her life. This loan is to buy sheets, water bottles, jewelry, cosmetics, makeup, eyeshadow, eye liners, lipsticks, liquid foundation, etc.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laurie Hiller.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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