A loan helped a member to buy more bottled mineral water, other drinks, and soap.

Osu Nyame Bekyere Group's story

Mary is from Teshie-Accra. She lives with her husband and children.

She currently sells bottled mineral water, other drinks and soap at a very busy marketplace to earn a good monthly income. She believes she can increase her income if she buys more items to sell. She needs a loan to buy more bottled mineral water, other drinks and soap to sell to customers. She received training from ID Ghana to develop her skills to increase her income.

Mary joins her six member group to apply for a group loan. The other members of the group also seek funds to grow their own businesses so they can increase their profits, live better, and lead more comfortable lives.

In this group: Victor, Mary, Juliana, Emelia, Regina, Victoria

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers access funding with flexible terms.

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Lenders and lending teams

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