A loan helped a member to buy mobile phones, accessories, and other items.

Piramide Group's story

This is an old group where all the members help each other and look for ways to continue improving. They are part of the poverty eradication program, fighting to get ahead together.

Ramona Beatriz is one of the members. She is an active woman who finds the way to generate more income to help her family. This is why she has decided to start selling mobile phones.

There is a lot of competition in this field, so she tries to stand out in her work. Thanks to this work she can generate the income she needs to cover the household expenses.

She requests the loan to buy mobile phones, accessories, and other items to continue working.

In this group: Pabla Rossana, Teresa Dejesus, Guillerma Graciela, Lourdes Raquel, Irma, Mirian Diana, Iluminada, Maria Lucy, Ana Lucia, Antonia Beatriz, Karen Rocio, Ramona Beatriz, Lizza Alcira, Cecilia, Alba Alicia, Angelica, Johanna Jazmin, Rosi Liliana, Eva Andrea, Mirian Raquel, Adarina

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Liliana S.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry leading poverty-elimination program.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details