A loan helped a member to buy agricultural surplus, such as corn and vegetables, to sell.

Pfungua Dzakanaka Group's story

Pfungua Dzakanaka is a 12-member association from Manica province, most of whom are women. The group's name means "to improve well-being in an honest way."

It's existed since 2016 and its main focus is sale of agricultural surpluses, such as corn, and agricultural inputs. Group members also help each other by saving to use when they need it, whether for business or other needed activities.

Since 2017, the group has participated in several training sessions at iDE on subjects such as financial education, budgeting and agriculture as a family business, which has contributed a lot to the group's growth.

In the picture, Lavunesse is standing in a green T-shirt without a headscarf. In addition to being the leader, she's vice president and secretary of the group. She gives support and advice to members whenever needed and is a role model for women in her community.

From the first loan the group received until today, it's improved a lot; income of each member and the number of customers has increased. The group is requesting another Kiva loan to invest in the business of buying maize and vegetables from smallholder farmers.

In this group: Maria, Lavunesse, Moises, Amelia, Taurai, Sara, Monica, Helena, Essinate, Adélia, Cristina, Docassi

This loan is special because:

It supports smallholder farmers and the agricultural ecosystem in Mozambique.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details