A loan helped a member to buy more plastic containers to sell.

Virgen De Guadalupe Tecpan Group's story

Marta got pregnant when she was fifteen years of age and had to drop out of school. She is now thirty-two and the mother of three children (5,12,15). Two of her children are in the fifth and sixth grades. Her husband is a mechanic and has his own shop in the department/state of Chimaltenango. Six years ago, Marta opened a business selling screws and then eighteen months ago, she started selling plastic containers as a street vendor. Her goals are to enlarge the business and create more income. Her second Kiva loan would enable her to buy more plastic containers.

As President of the Friendship Bridge Trust Bank “Virgen de Guadalupe Tecpán”, Marta calls the monthly meetings to order. The six Maya Kaqchikel ladies in the group make loan payments and then participate in an educational training. Learning about planning, budgeting and savings helps them manage their traditional textile businesses as well as their vegetable, shoe and tamale businesses. They also learn about family matters, women’s issues and health. Education is a key component of the Friendship Bridge “Microcredit Plus” program. Another “plus” in the program is bi-monthly health care services that include consults and exams by a visiting nurse who speaks their language and makes them feel comfortable.

Thank you, Kiva lenders! Your generous help is greatly appreciated by Marta and her friends in the “Virgen de Guadalupe Tecpán” Trust Bank.

In this group: Marta Antonia , Maria Cristal , Karla Paola , Hilda Leticia , Mirna Aldina , Zoila Ovidia , Sara Janeth

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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Lenders and lending teams

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