A loan helped to launch a safe drinking water business, serving his community and providing employment in Accra, Ghana.

Isaac's story

Isaac, an aspiring entrepreneur, had experienced success in reselling Jibu Water in his community. However, he knew that there was still so much untapped potential. With a burning desire to serve even more customers and have a greater impact, he set his sights on opening his own Jibu Water franchise.

Recognizing the financial challenges he faced, Isaac turned to Kiva for support. He understood that with the necessary funds, he could secure a franchise license, acquire equipment, and establish a dedicated space to serve his expanding customer base.

Isaac's dream extended far beyond financial gain. He believed that by opening a franchise, he could provide clean and safe drinking water to even more people in his community while creating employment opportunities for others.

Through Kiva, Isaac sought the backing of individuals who shared his vision. With their support, he knew he could turn his aspirations into reality. Armed with determination and fuelled by the potential to make a positive difference, Isaac eagerly awaited the opportunity to open his Jibu Water franchise and serve his community on an even larger scale.

This loan is special because:

It helps entrepreneurs start their own clean water business.

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