A loan helped to buy seedlings.

Hellen's story

Meet Hellen, a refugee mother to five school-going children who live together in Moyo. She is a very hardworking woman and strives to make sure food is on the table.

Hellen is a farmer who grows millet, sorghum, cassava and beans. She also sells some of the food she grows in her garden. She is thus able to provide some basic needs to her family, though not able to give them as much as she would wish for them to have.

Hellen would like to buy a variety of seedlings to plant and since the demand is already there, she is certain of boosting her sales. She believes she will be able to achieve a lot because of the wonderful support from VisionFund Uganda and Kiva that she has already benefited from.

This loan is special because:

It helps refugees in Uganda rebuild and sustain their livelihoods.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details