A loan helped to purchase another buffalo to increase her sales and earn profits to provide her family with the basic necessities of life.

Sameena's story

Sameena is 34 years old, a married woman and a mother of three children. The income generated by her husband is insufficient to cover all household expenses, so she initiated her business of milk sales. She has been doing it for many years and has become famous for providing good quality milk in her locality.

With the support of Kashf Foundation, she has gradually improved her business. Currently she has requested a loan of 100,000 PKR to purchase another buffalo to increase her sales and earn profits to provide her family with the basic necessities of life. Sameena aspires to further expand her business and increase the number of animals she at present owns.

This loan is special because:

It helps entrepreneurial women work towards economic equality.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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