Célestin K. is the president of the Community Bank named Tuwisana Plus, which is composed of 17 microentrepreneurs. These members are united by the same goal: To grow their businesses by loans received from Kiva through IMF HOPE RDC.
Célestin is 60 years old. His main activity is selling packages. He buys them in bulk and resells them via retail at a profit. He sells his products daily at the market in his area, west of Kinshasa.
Célestin started his business in 1990. He is a trustworthy client of the MFI HOPE RDC, having six times obtained and repaid loans. His next loan will allow him to buy packages in larger quantities to increase his sales in order to make a better profit. Célestin makes a profit of about US $180 per week. With this increased profit, he plans to buy food and and pay school fees for his children. He is married and the father of eight children between 11 and 31 years old. Four of them attend school. He is also responsible for another child left by his relative.
In this group: Célestin, Dieu Donné, Marthe, Albertine, Julienne, Mamie, Bidikebela, Gina, Marie-Jeanne, Huguette, Délphin, Clémentine, Anna, Plesley, Simon, Dénis, Placide