A loan helped to tend to his coffee crops.

Santos Gilberto's story

Santos, 43, grows coffee for export on 1,41 hectares of his 2,81 hectare plot. He meets all the criteria to be certified as a Fair Trade and Rainforest Alliance grower. He has been growing coffee for over twelve years.
He is asking for a loan to buy nutrients for 0,70 hectares of coffee plants. He needs farm supplies and organic fertiliser which he will apply at the opportune moment. The nutrients needed are copper, zinc, organic fertiliser, and others.
During growing and harvesting season, he employs over 12 people in the area.
This is his 14th loan with the field partner.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It allows farmers to plant trees needed to shade coffee plants.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details