A loan helped to purchase more vegetables in bulk.

Susan's story

Susan is from one of the Highlands Provinces in Papua New Guinea and is currently living in one of the urban settlements in Port Moresby. She is 37 years, married with three children and engaged in the informal market daily.

Susan's main business activity is selling vegetables daily at the main market to take care of her family. She has been in this business for more than five years and loves doing her market.

Her reason for applying for this loan is to increase her stock of goods (vegetables) so she is not out of stock during the week and loses in making money. She noted over the years that missing a day's sales is losing profits. She is a business-minded woman and believes that in the future she will build for herself a small shed to stock as a wholesale shop with vegetables.

From her new profits, Susan plans to save as much to apply for a bigger loan to buy a vehicle to transport her vegetables to the main markets nearby.

This loan is special because:

It promotes financial independence for marginalized women entrepreneurs.

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