A loan helped silvia purchase a food cart to grow her women-owned business & bring Hispanic flavor to Burlington.

Silvia's story

I am a first generation Panamanian born in Vermont, whose population is only 1.14% Hispanic and 92.4% White. Growing up I always wished to have my culture present, but I had to travel far in order to even find the food I would crave. In a way it always made me feel like an outcast amongst others in my community. As an adult I have made it my goal to bring my culture, and flavors into the community as much as I can. I want to normalize being Hispanic, speaking Spanish, and at the same time shine light into the beautiful small Hispanic community we do have. The first step for me to achieve this is with the introduction to our flavors. I aspire to bring something new into this community, and at the same time, provide for other Hispanics a sense of nostalgia as we all ache for something to remind us of what our other home is like. There is nearly no one who will be offering some of the items I am in my area, so I am excited and proud to be the first.

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details

About Mas Comida

Industry: Food
Years in operation: 6 months - 1 year


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details