A loan helped to increase the variety and number of books for the upcoming Book Festival.

Khishigsuren's story

Khishigsuren is a modest and gentle woman. She is 43 years old and married. She has 2 daughters and a son. Her eldest daughter is 21 years old and her youngest child is 6 years old.

Khishigsuren has been selling new and used books for 3 years. She does not have any employees. The reason for starting this business is that bookselling is profitable and in demand. Five to 10 people visit her bookstore a day, mostly students. If her business expands, she will be able to meet the needs of her children and improve her family's living environment.

The problem with her business is the dwindling supply of second-hand books and the number of competing places. Her future goal is to make her book business more successful and give her children a good education. Khishigsuren will use this loan to increase the variety and number of books for the upcoming Book Festival. Books are the best investment in human intelligence.

This loan is special because:

This loan will support the creation of new businesses and self-employment in poor communities.

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